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July 2007 minutes

Dr. Pat Curtin, Chairperson
James Shea, Vice Chairperson
Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin
Laura Swanson

The Park and Recreation Commission held its meeting on Tuesday July 17, 2007 at 6:45 P.M. at the Park, Recreation and Community Center located on  Broad Street.


PRESENT:                                ABSENT:                                                                                                          
Dr. Pat Curtin                          Colleen Thibodeau, Clerk
Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                  
James Shea      
Laura Swanson   


Laura Swanson made a motion to approve the minutes with changes to be made,  from the June17, 2007 meeting, MaryAnn Curtin seconded.

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Chris Burke                                     
Laura Swanson                   

Laura Swanson made a motion to aprrove the application for the use of Salem Willows Park for 8/4/07 from~the Greater Boston Clowns of America, filed by John Hubbard. the use from 10-4.  James Shea seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Chris Burke                                     
Laura Swanson                   

Letter from Eileen Dunn of the City of Salem Youth Commission seeking permission to use Willows soccer fields for Child Safety Day 9/15/07 Eileen Dunn is the representative of the Salem Park and Recreation Department on the City of Salem Youth Commission.
Child safety Day will be open to the Salem youth and families. The activities currently being planned are bike safety, waster safety, and finger printing, CPA First Aid and child safety demonstrations.
The youth commission looks forward to a successful day.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Chris Burke                                     
Laura Swanson                   

Letter from Ellen Talkowsky Special Events Coordinator
Heritage Days in the City August 3-12 2007.
The events are structured special events and are the responsibility of different organizations, but coordinated throughout the City.
The events will take place at the Salem Common, Salem Willows and Collins Cove.
Mr. Chris Burke asked questions regarding the money collected by the Heritage Day Programs. Ms Talkowsky explained the~history of the days and the changes in the programs over the years. The money would be raised to keep the events solvent. The evolution of the programs was discussed. Mr Burke satisfied with the historical explanation of the Heritage Day programs
Mr. James Shea made a motion to approve Heritage Day as explained by Ms Talkowsky.  Ms. MaryAnn Curtin seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Chris Burke                                     
Laura Swanson                   

Financial Report hand out.
Final report was given for budget year 2007 and the revenue reached its highest in four years. He attributes this to good weather and increase in golf cart revenue as well as the afternoon special. The Commission has not raised fees in two years and this has helped in not turning customers away.
James Shea requested Mr Bollen to look into the possibility of putting a Porto Potty on the 6th hole for use of female golfers. Mr Bollen will research the cost factor of the Porto Potties. Will report back.
Motion~ Mr Shea
2nd Ms Curtin
Elizabeth Wood has continued to upgrade her tours of the house. The revenue is up from last year. Ms Woods works part time I the winter months and full time in summer. She has continued to apply for and receive grants for the Witch House.
Report the budget hearing went well at the City Council. Level funding again this year, Non union employees received 41/2% increase.
Eileen Dunn the new Recreation Supervisor (replaced Dotty Tracey) reported on attendance on summer programs. Numbers are up are almost all summer programs. Camp Naumkeag weeks almost filled the clinics are well attended. Programs are popular for old and young.

~The motor at the pool died a few days before opening and it costs  $5000.00. for the new motor. Pool opening was delayed a day. Money taken out of next year budget to pay. Thus far we have sold over 1200 pool passes. The early heat wave caused a rush for passes and large attendance.
The Hershey Track and Field meet with the Peabody Recreation Department was well attended. We had a few kids qualify for the state meet in Bolton, Mass on June 30.
~Mayor Driscoll sent a letter notifying the Commission that Chris Burke’s term is being corrected so that his appointment will be for five years. A mistake was made and he was appointed originally for three years.
A Plaque will be presented to Mike Kapnis in recognition for his years of service on the Commission; He will be invited to the next meeting.
Note of appreciation to Alex Bouche for work done on the benches at Forest River Park
Ralph Swanson has also painted the graffiti on mailboxes and other defaced areas of the city.
~The issue of the development of another dog park in the city
Discussion: The area of the current park not city land. The money raised for the park was done by private fundraising. The park is well used by Salem residents and out of town folk.
Question raised regarding using a licensing mechanism for the park placed on the dog's collar
Salem residents to be given preference. Any fees would have to be a council decision.
RFP on Mack Park presented for review. Issues the payment of rent and utilities. Al Hill reviewing problems with ADA compliance and costs.

A new group called the Friends of Mack Park are interested in the Mack Park RFP.
Laura Swanson made a motion to wait until the next meeting to vote on the Mack Park RFP.  A vote is  needed for the specifications of the ADA assessment and details of conversion with ADA compliance.  James Shea seconded

The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                  
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
James Shea
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
Chris Burke                                     
Laura Swanson                   
We currently have hired an architect to draw up specifications for the Willows bathroom The fee will be$ 3000.00 for the architect and the money will come from the Willows account which comes from the meters at the Willows. Money has been received from the parking meters.

The City received matching grant for repairs to the seawall. Matching grant of 120,000.00 received. Hope to have the project completed within 5 weeks.
Discussion regarding the repairs to the pier at the Willows. . Pier damaged in storm.. City has spent $45000 repairing the Pier up to where the Boat cruise launches. City is waiting to hear from FEMA and insurance company for additional funds to complete the work at the Pier.
~Discussion re the damage to the Salem Common fence. The mayor requested Cassidy Bros to give estimate for repairs. It was $45,000.00 estimate. not official presentation of estimate at this time. Discussion of the type of fence (over 150 years old... forged Iron. many pieces in each bracket and picket of the fence. The need for historical preservation. De Anglis gave estimates for complete restoration not just repairs. )
CPA funding could be used to repair fence and Common. Letter sent to Michael Coleman of SCNA~ Need to establish priorities for the Common.
Community Preservation Act
~CPA Act will be on ballot in November, it passed 10-1 by city council after one information meeting, two city council committee meetings and a public hearing.
The Park and Recreation Department would benefit greatly if CPA passes.
~The Winter Island Barracks study was handled out to each Commissioner.
~Playground installed. It looks great. Children are enjoying it. Commissioner Laura Swanson attended the ribbon cutting.
A draft of the plan was passed out and all members were asked to read it and be ready to vote for approval at next meeting

~A new sign will be installed in front of building which reads- Park, Recreation and Community Services.
~Letter received today at 6:15 hand delivered from City Council President Matt Veno.
~The letter references the ongoing problems at Castle Hill Park on weekends of the Softball League directed by Fausto Pena.
There were four people summons this past weekend for public drinking. Police Captain Paul Tucker  sent in reports. According to Capt Tucker this was the first incident of the season.  Fausto Pena called Mr Bollen to state his concerns. He said that he told the people who were drinking to stop, they were not players and didn’t listen to him.  Mr. Pena does not want any problems during their softball league play.
The matter is a police problem regarding drinking in public and disturbances. The city council has made recommendations without the input from the players. There is a lack of softball fields in the city.  Commission discussed possible of building new field at Gallows Hill.
James Shea suggested playing two games at each field to alleviate parking problems.
The problem is the large number fans attending the games and parking. The team has no control of the fans. Most of the team has family attending the games. .
~There is no need for police detail according to Capt Tucker at the present time.
Question~is this park the correct match for the league. question re the use of Gallows Hill Park for the league... question of availability of another park at the present. Question the use of the soccer fields at the Willows when~not in use. for softball.
Official response to Matt Veno Council President'
Commision has addressed the issues contacted the parties working with the police and the league~and residents to resolve the issues. Continue to monitor the problem with the cooperation of the police.

The Commission sent a letter to the City Council stating that we are monitoring the situation and the police reported that no detail is neccessary at this time.

The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday August 21, 2007 at the Park and Recreation Community Center located on Broad Street.

There being no further business before the Park and Recreation Commission Laura Swanson made a motion to adjourn.  James Shea seconded.
The vote was as follows:
Ayes                            Nays                            Absent                                                                                           
Dr. Pat Curtin                                                  
Chris Burke
MaryAnn Curtin                                          
James Shea
Laura Swanson

Colleen A. Thibodeau